IELTS Ireland

IELTS webinar series for teachers

To all educators who teach IELTS preparation classes, join us for our live Train the Trainer webinars to learn useful teaching techniques, practical classroom activities and get an in-depth understanding of the strategies your students need to reach their desired band scores!

IELTS Writing online workshop series

Come along to our live Train the Trainer Webinar Series on IELTS Writing! Enhance your knowledge and effectiveness as an IELTS Writing teacher so that you may give your students the best opportunity to reach their desired band score.

What is it?

A series of 4 interactive online workshops on IELTS Writing – essential for ESL educators who teach IELTS preparation classes!

What will you get?

  • Get an in-depth understanding of the strategies students need to maximize their performance.
  • Learn useful teaching strategies and practical classroom activities to give your students the essential skills needed to successfully complete the IELTS Writing test.
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